
Brazil’s Senate clears Dodd-Frank-inspired whistleblower program

sergio moro senate
Sergio Moro (standing) after approving his bill in the Senate’s Constitution and Justice Committee. Photo: Saulo Cruz/Agência Senado

The Senate Constitution and Justice Committee on Wednesday approved a bill that provides financial rewards for whistleblowers who denounce crimes in publicly listed companies. The bill was authored by Senator Sergio Moro and is motivated by the scandal involving Lojas Americanas, the retail giant that admitted to the most significant fraud case ever in Brazil.

Mr. Moro wrote that the Americanas case demonstrates that current legislation “is precarious and insufficient” to prevent similar cases.

Mr. Moro was also inspired by the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act, enacted in the United States during the Obama administration. The legislation created a whistleblower program, under which the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) pays monetary awards to whistleblowers who submit information about a violation of the federal securities laws. The reward is equivalent to between 10 and 30 percent of monetary sanctions collected in the actions.   

According to the SEC, by 2020 enforcement actions from whistleblower tips had resulted in more than USD 2.5 billion in ordered financial remedies, and “whistleblowers have received from the Commission awards totaling approximately USD 523 million.”

Mr. Moro used the Dodd-Frank Act as a benchmark for his bill: he proposed a reward for whistleblowers also from 10 to 30 percent, but calculated in different options, such as over the amount of fines imposed by CVM, Brazil’s equivalent to the SEC.

The bill also defines new financial crimes, such as accounting fraud, which was classified as “defrauding accounting or auditing, [by] including non-existent operations, inaccurate data or not including operations actually carried out,” with a sentence of 2 to 6 years in jail.

“I think it is an interesting bill, and I believe that we are moving forward with the protection of something that is very important for Brazil’s economic growth, which is the stock market”, Mr. Moro said at the committee today. “We thus protect shareholders, investors, and even those who surround these companies — suppliers and employees — when we create mechanisms to strengthen the integrity and transparency of our Stock Exchange.”

Approved in two rounds of voting, the bill bypassed the Senate floor and was submitted to the House.

Congress Brazilian health insurers

Congress takes aim at Brazilian health insurers

Lawmakers from both the left and right called this week for a select committee to investigate Brazilian private health insurers, following reports that companies have unilaterally revoked thousands of insurance contracts with patients suffering from chronic conditions.

Congresswoman Maria Rosas of the Republicans party — dominated by evangelical preachers — criticized federal private health regulator ANS during a House public hearing on Tuesday. She argued that the ANS has “clearly not done enough” and added that insurers have become too comfortable publicly admitting they canceled plans for financial reasons, which is illegal.

Current legislation allows insurers to revoke individual contracts only in cases of fraud or default, and collective contracts can only be revoked by the employer or under a previously agreed notice period.

In recent months, several companies have unilaterally revoked thousands of contracts, prompting lawmakers to file a motion for a hearings committee to investigate. Despite support from over 60 percent of the House, Speaker Arthur Lira has yet to take action on the motion. 

Ms. Rosas was joined by São Paulo state lawmaker Andréa Werner, a member of the center-left Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB). Ms. Werner criticized health insurers, stating they have “decided some patients are not of interest to them anymore.” She also dismissed claims that providers...

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1 day ago • Cedê Silva
European Disputes in Europe stir up Brazilian far right

Disputes in Europe stir up Brazilian far right

“The victory of the people shows that the agendas imposed by the system are not satisfying their wishes,” Jair Bolsonaro, himself elected Brazil’s president in 2018 as an anti-establishment candidate, celebrated on social media earlier this month, referring to the advance of far-right parties in the European Parliament elections.

While pro-EU center-right and center-left groups still control most seats in Brussels, supporters of former President Bolsonaro — including his son and allies — celebrated the results as if they were their own victory.

This Sunday, when France holds its legislative elections, this right-wing Brazilian identification with European disputes is expected to intensify. Mr. Bolsonaro has made President Emmanuel Macron a personal enemy, even insulting the French first lady. Mr. Macron was harshly critical of the deforestation in the Amazon that Mr. Bolsonaro’s administration encouraged.

However, amid this engagement of pro-Bolsonaro Brazilians in European politics, international relations professor David Magalhães notes that Mr. Bolsonaro’s supporters lack understanding of the diverse agendas within the European far-right.

For example, while Bolsonarists celebrated the success of France’s far-right National Rally (RN) party, an outfit broadly in favor of the right to abortion, Mr. Bolsonaro’s allies have pushed for stricter abortion laws in Brazil even in cases of rape.

There are few substantive similarities between the French radical right and the Bolsonarist right. “For the RN, the...

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3 days ago • Isabela Cruz
Brazil's solicitor general wants to fight electoral disinformation

Brazil’s solicitor general wants to fight electoral disinformation

Brazil approaches a new electoral cycle. In October, voters will choose new mayors and city council members for the country’s 5,570 municipalities. However, officials, several parties, and political observers have issued a stark warning: the surge of disinformation, particularly with the rise of artificial intelligence, poses a significant and immediate threat to the integrity of elections and the very fabric of democracy.

Lawmakers, however, seem nonchalant about these worries. Congress remains deadlocked on how to hold digital platforms accountable for the content they host and promote. 

The House seemed poised to vote on the so-called “Fake News Bill” last year. Originally approved in 2020 in the Senate, the bill has stalled in the House due to the efforts of conservative lawmakers and the lobby of tech companies. 

Its latest draft, by left-wing Congressman Orlando Silva, proposed holding platforms responsible for damages caused by third-party content if they are paid to boost the reach of the post in question. But House Speaker Arthur Lira sent the proposal back to square one, upending any regulatory effort.

Meanwhile, electoral courts and the federal government have attempted to fill that void by establishing legal safeguards against the malicious disinformation campaigns flooding public discourse, which erode trust in democracy, polarize voters, and distort perceptions of reality.

However, experts are sounding the alarm that some of the solutions being devised may inadvertently exacerbate the problem — or even spawn new ones.

One such example is the Solicitor General’s Office’s push to actively pursue the removal of content...

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2 weeks ago • Isabela Cruz
A fistfight nearly broke out during a sitting at the House Ethics Committee. Photo: Lula Marques/EBC

No fighting: Brazil’s House wants stronger response to brawling members

Brazil’s lower house of Congress last week overwhelmingly approved a resolution granting powers to its leaders to suspend the terms of lawmakers who violate its code of conduct, after a public quarrel came very close to having two members engage in a physical altercation.

On June 5, the two best-voted lawmakers from the southeastern state of Minas Gerais had a spat in the hallways of Congress. 

The House Ethics Committee had just shelved a motion to impeach Congressman André Janones, a close ally of the Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva administration, for strong evidence of his involvement in a so-called “rachadinha” — a scheme by which public officials embezzle taxpayer money by hiring people who agree to kick back a share of their salary. Mr. Janones is separately investigated by federal police in the same case.

The outcome frustrated far-right Congressman Nikolas Ferreira, who attended the public hearing to demand punishment for Mr. Janones — despite not being a member of the Ethics Committee himself.

“The Supreme Court can do whatever it wants, but there is a law that it will never be able to overturn in this country, which is called the law of the harvest, [Mr.] Janones — you reap what you sow,” Mr. Ferreira said.

Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here …

A few minutes after the meeting ended, while still inside the Ethics Committee...

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2 weeks ago • Cedê Silva
corruption Lt.-Col. Mauro Cid (wearing a polo shirt) has implicated Jair Bolsonaro in multiple criminal cases. Conservatives want the contents of his plea bargain testimony to be annulled. Photo:

A powerful tool to fight corruption could be made all but extinct

Lawmakers in Brazil’s lower house of Congress on Wednesday fast-tracked a series of bills changing the rules for plea bargains, agreements in criminal cases by which defendants admit to their guilt but offer information or testimony about other criminal activity in exchange for reduced penalties or other legal benefits. Observers and prosecutors believe that, if approved, the proposed changes will weaken Brazil’s ability to fight corruption and organized crime.

At least two of the bills call for a ban on plea agreements when the defendants in question are still in jail, which has often been the case in the major corruption investigations Brazil has seen in recent years. 

Among the most notable examples include Operation Car Wash, a years-long anti-corruption task force that unveiled scandals tarnishing every major political party in the country, and with Lieutenant-Colonel Mauro Cid, the aide-de-camp of former President Jair Bolsonaro, who implicated his former boss in multiple criminal cases — including a plot to stage a coup, a scheme to smuggle jewelry, and forging vaccination records.

One of the bills in question was authored in 2016, at the height of Operation Car Wash, by former Congressman Wadih Damous, a member of the Workers’ Party who now works at the Justice Ministry. Mr. Damous himself questioned the sudden urgency to fast-track his proposal.

“I would really like to ask [House Speaker Arthur Lira] what virtues he sees in this bill today that he did not see almost ten years ago,” Mr. Damous said in a TV interview. “What is the urgency of a bill that has been shelved for almost ten years?”

Mr. Damous presented his bill weeks before then-Senator Delcídio Amaral, who served as a...

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3 weeks ago • Cedê Silva
real currency

The Brazilian real, which stabilized prices in the country, turns 30

Last week, the Fernando Henrique Cardoso Foundation, the custodian of the former president’s legacy, hosted a momentous event: it brought together almost all the key figures responsible for planning and executing the Real Plan, which, launched exactly 30 years ago today, led to the end of hyperinflation in Brazil. 

At the age of 93, Mr. Cardoso himself couldn’t participate due to his fragile health condition, but he met with some of the guests and President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva hours before. The meeting was symbolic of the fact that perhaps more than an economic success, the Real Plan was a political achievement, built by many hands and orchestrated by Mr. Cardoso.

Amid Lula’s growing animosity toward the Central Bank’s cautious stance and the discussions surrounding a bill that could give even more autonomy to the monetary authority, looking back at the Real Plan’s legacy is also acknowledging the country’s hard-won economic stability and remembering that politics is still the (only) possible way to it.

Not a one-person idea

Between 1980 and 1994, hyperinflation haunted Brazil. At the beginning of the 1990s, prices rose by around 100 percent a year — and while that seems absurd by today’s standards, it was nothing close to what was coming. 

By 1990, during the transition between Presidents José Sarney and Fernando Collor — the first democratically elected leader since 1960 — yearly inflation reached 6,800 percent.

During that time, prices were readjusted daily — sometimes, multiple times a day. It was a common scene in supermarkets to see consumers rushing to overtake price gun-wielding store employees to grab the products before they became more expensive. 

Three years before, in 1987, the government had declared a debt moratorium, which only increased the uncertainties around the Brazilian economy. From that point on, several attempts under the José Sarney government — from freezing prices to blocking savings accounts — brought some immediate relief but ultimately failed to correct the issues hampering the economy.

Hyperinflation and the country’s systemic deficit in its payment balance were then the two major problems to be solved. As such, they were also two topics of discussion at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), where Mr. Cardoso and several of the brains behind the Real Plan emerged. 

“There is no such thing as a one-man idea [when we talk about the Real Plan],” said Persio Arida, one of the Real Plan’s creators and a former president of BNDES and the Central Bank in different periods of Mr. Cardoso’s first term (1995-1998). 

The list of names behind the plan is long, and those mentioned often had more than one role to play. 

They include André Lara Resende, an economist who, alongside Mr. Arida, created the URV (Real Unit of Value), a pseudo-currency that gave way to the launch of the Real, as well as Edmar Bacha, an economist who first drafted the plan’s idea. Gustavo Franco was also a key figure: as the Central Bank chairman in the second half of 1990, Mr. Franco led the implementation of the country’s current macroeconomic tripod (a floating exchange rate, an inflation target, and...

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15 hours ago • Fabiane Ziolla Menezes
Creative industry opened 7.7 million jobs in Brazil

Market Roundup: Creative industry employs 7.7 million Brazilian workers

Brazil’s creative industry reaches new milestone in job creation

The recent report from Observatório Itaú Cultural revealed that the creative economy sector in Brazil employed over 7.7 million workers by the end of 2023, the highest number since the series began in 2012.

Why it matters. This record level of employment in the sector is likely due to the dynamic labor market and the resumption of cultural and innovation financing through government channels.

Context. Between Q4 2022 and Q4 2023, the creative economy added more than 287,000 jobs, a 4 percent increase — double the overall job market growth of 2 percent.

  • In the last quarter of 2023, Brazil’s total employed population surpassed 100 million for the first time.
  • According to the Ministry of Culture, fundraising under the Rouanet Law, a major financing mechanism for the sector, increased by 255 percent in 2023 compared to 2022. 
  • A total of 10,700 projects were authorized, raising BRL 16.6 billion (USD 2.99 billion) from public and private sources, with BRL 2.2 billion from companies and individuals interested in supporting and sponsoring cultural projects.

Virtuous cycle. As with other activities in the services sector, the creative industry likely benefits from the rising wage bill in Brazil. 

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3 days ago • Fabiane Ziolla Menezes
More than three-quarters of the companies that held IPOs in Brazil since 2020 have since lost share value. Initial offerings have dried up in the country

The cautionary tale of Brazil’s recent IPOs

Of the 72 companies that debuted on the Brazilian B3 stock exchange in 2020 and 2021, more than three-quarters have seen their share prices decline since, according to figures compiled by analyst Einar Rivero. No IPOs took place in Brazil in either 2022 or 2023.

Among the biggest declines were e-commerce solutions provider Infracommerce (97.8% loss in share value), logistics operator Sequoia (97.6%), and wind energy blade manufacturer Aeris (95.2%). In contrast, wholesale food chain Assaí has seen its share prices rise 287.8% in value since its IPO, construction and real estate company Cury rose 164.3%, and insurance company Caixa Seguridade rose 86.5%, marking the top gains on B3.

The shift in the macroeconomic environment partially explains these trends and the lack of recent Brazilian IPOs as a whole.

During the height of the Covid pandemic, a sharp drop in interest rates by the Central Bank injected liquidity into the market, preventing an economic halt. However, in subsequent years, rising inflation forced the...

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4 days ago • Alexia Massoud
Brazilian Central Bank suggests rate cuts not in sight

Brazilian Central Bank suggests rate cuts not in sight

The Central Bank on Tuesday published the minutes of its Monetary Policy Council’s last meeting, after which its members kept the country’s benchmark interest rate unchanged at 10.5 percent, but with a few crucial differences from previous documents. 

In addition to highlighting the still adverse external scenario, especially the heightened and persistent uncertainty about the beginning of the easing cycle in the U.S., the committee stressed the fact that levels of activity and job creation “continue stronger than expected” in such a way that the so-called output gap might be around neutrality, indicating that new cuts are nowhere in sight. 

“The committee believes that the output gap — which was slightly negative in the previously released assessment, but had already been subject of analysis through different methods over the last months — is now around neutrality,” says the document. A neutral or natural interest rate is the real rate, which supports a growing economy while keeping inflation constant.

In this week’s minutes, the committee pondered that there is a domestic and a global debate about the current dynamics of the neutral interest rate and that, given this uncertain scenario, it is not a variable to be updated at a high frequency. 

“In this context, the committee marginally raised the real...

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6 days ago • Fabiane Ziolla Menezes
energy market

Market Roundup: David v. Goliath battle in Brazil’s free energy market

David v. Goliath battle in Brazil’s free energy market

As we reported earlier this year, Brazil’s free energy market experienced a significant shakeup in 2024. Nearly 166,000 high- and medium-voltage consumer units now have the freedom to negotiate contracts with electricity suppliers, signaling a dramatic shift in the energy landscape.

State of play. According to the Brazilian Association of Energy Distributors (Abraceel), the free market’s share of the total Brazilian energy distribution market is projected to increase from 37 to 50 percent. This 10-percentage point boost in market share represents an additional BRL 40 billion (USD 7.4 billion) in an industry valued at BRL 160 billion.

Context. Most Brazilian consumers receive their electricity from regional distributors and pay prices negotiated with regulators. Before a 2022 Mines and Energy Ministry ordinance, only large consumer units — industries and large companies using more than 1,000 kW (or 500 kW for incentivized renewables) and with monthly costs exceeding BRL 140,000 — could purchase electricity on Brazil’s free market.

  • Since January, high- and medium-voltage consumers with consumption levels starting at 30 kilowatts (kW) and bills of BRL 8,000 per month or more are also eligible.
  • However, these consumers cannot buy energy directly; they must be represented by energy traders — retail platforms that bridge the gap between customers and energy suppliers.

Why it matters. For consumers, the promise is enticing: cheaper bills (potentially cut by as much as 35 percent) and better service compared to the closed regime. For companies, the sector’s opening means increased competition and expansion opportunities. 

Yes, but … Independent traders sought The Brazilian...

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1 week ago • Fabiane Ziolla Menezes
Brazil's fintech ecosystem embraces new growth opportunities

Brazil’s fintech ecosystem embraces new growth opportunities

As Brazil’s banking and financial systems undergo modernization, the fintech ecosystem is pursuing new opportunities. Initiatives such as instant payments and digital currency are opening alternative avenues for growth, particularly for companies supporting other businesses in these areas.

The B2B fintech segment in Latin America has seen significant growth, with 1,284 startups representing 47.3 percent of the region’s fintech landscape. Brazil accounts for 66 percent of this total, according to data from the innovation network Distrito.

Investment trends in business-focused fintechs in Latin America have shown a substantial increase since 2018, with volume peaking in 2021, with over USD 2 billion across 174 deals. Although there was a drop in investment in 2023 (with 71 deals amounting to USD 430 million), by May 2024, investments had already reached USD 400 million, indicating potential to surpass last year’s figures.

“The local fintech landscape has evolved from a focus on consumer-focused models to a stronger emphasis on B2B solutions, with companies helping traditional financial institutions and digital-native players modernize their infrastructure and incorporate new capabilities,” said Bruno Diniz, chief executive at Spiralem Consulting and an author on the Brazilian financial services ecosystem.

B2B fintechs are crucial to the Central Bank’s modernization agenda, creating products based on new approaches. Noteworthy initiatives include the PIX instant payments system launched in 2020. PIX reached 114 million users and nearly 42 billion transactions in 2023, up 75 percent from the previous year, according to Central Bank data.


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9 hours ago • Angelica Mari
Brazilian banks harness AI for personalized services amid tightening regulations

Brazilian banks harness AI for personalized services amid tightening regulations

As Brazilian banks press ahead with personalized service offerings using artificial intelligence (AI) to attract clients and combat cybersecurity threats, the discussion over the transparent use of the technology is intensifying an increasingly regulated environment.

At the Febraban Tech conference, a three-day event focused on innovation in banking and related sectors, organized by the Brazilian Banking Federation (Febraban), “responsible AI” was a major topic. Discussions centered on the rules and boundaries for using technology to customize financial services.

Artificial intelligence is a key investment area for Brazilian banks, which are expected to spend BRL 47.4 billion (USD 8.7 billion) on technology in 2024, according to a Febraban survey conducted by Deloitte. 

Over the past eight years, annual technology spending in Brazilian banks has doubled from BRL 19.1 billion in 2015 to BRL 39 billion last year.

In the event’s opening address on Tuesday, Febraban president Isaac Sidney emphasized the importance of AI in the sector and the need for cautious implementation. “AI can help us advance in areas such as coding, risk modeling, customer experience, but its implementation brings many challenges that must be addressed,” he said.

A panel discussion followed, featuring CEOs from Brazil’s top banks, including Itaú’s Milton Maluhy and Bradesco’s Marcelo Noronha. They discussed their approaches to AI and evolving customer service expectations. “Clients nowadays have different expectations. They want an experience comparable to that of Netflix or Spotify. The market has changed, and we must advance rapidly to respond to those dynamics,” said Mr. Maluhy, noting that Itaú has over 250 AI-focused projects underway in areas including customer experience (CX) and new business development.

The executives also highlighted the importance of controlling the development of AI strategies. “Banks can and must be better positioned [to use AI responsibly] because we are well-versed in risk management and governance,” said Mr. Noronha. Bradesco, one of Brazil’s first banks to deploy an...

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4 days ago • Angelica Mari
Tech Roundup: A fund to foster the Amazon bioeconomy

Tech Roundup: A fund to foster the Amazon bioeconomy

Welcome to our Tech Roundup, where we bring you the biggest stories in technology and innovation in Brazil and Latin America. This week: A bioeconomy fund to foster tech-based businesses in the Amazon rainforest.

USD 30 million boost for the Amazon’s bioeconomy

The Brazilian asset manager KPTL (pronounced “capital”) has just launched its first international venture capital fund, targeting the bioeconomy across seven Latin American countries that make up the Amazon rainforest: Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Guyana, and Suriname. 

The fund, called Amazonia Regenerate Accelerator and Investment Fund, is a partnership with Kaeté, a private equity firm committed to sustainable investments targeting low-income communities.

Context. The fund emerged from a conversation two years ago between KPTL CEO Renato Ramalho and Kaeté founder Otávio Ottoni. “We realized we could take this off the ground by bringing Kaeté’s regional knowledge and KPTL’s VC expertise,” Mr. Ramalho tells The Brazilian Report.  

Backdrop. Impact investing has long been part of KPTL’s DNA. With more than USD 1 billion under management, KPTL has managed the Environmental Innovation Fund (FIMA), created by Brazil’s National Development Bank (BDNES), since 2013.

  • In 2022, KPTL also partnered with mining company Vale to...
1 week ago • Fabiane Ziolla Menezes
Temu unfazed by Brazil's cross-border sale taxes

Temu unfazed by Brazil’s cross-border sale taxes

Two weeks ago, Temu, a U.S.-based online marketplace owned by PDD Holdings, also the parent company for the Chinese commerce giant Pinduoduo, made its debut in Brazil. Launching Brazilian Portuguese versions of its website and app, Temu began offering products priced in Brazilian reais and delivered through Correios, Brazil’s postal service. 

Simultaneously, the Brazilian Senate passed a bill slapping a 20 percent tax on low-value international purchases of up to USD 50 — a response fueled by national retailers against the rise of Asian competitors such as AliExpress, Shein, and Shopee in the country. 

Despite this new taxation, Temu remains unfazed. In an email interview with The Brazilian Report, the company stated: “The primary drivers behind our rapid expansion and market acceptance are the supply-chain efficiencies and operational proficiencies we’ve cultivated over the years. We are open to and supportive of any policy adjustments made by legislators that align with consumer interests. We believe that as long as these policies are fair, they won’t influence the outcomes of competitive business dynamics.”

Launched in the U.S. in September 2022, Temu became the most downloaded shopping app in that country the following year. It replicated that success in Europe, topping download charts in France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Though rooted in Asia, Temu presents itself as a global platform operating in 70 markets. 

“We have expanded into ten Latin American markets, including Chile and Colombia, with Brazil being the latest,” the company said. Temu’s mission is to “make quality products accessible at affordable prices” by connecting consumers directly with cost-efficient manufacturers. 

Despite being the largest economy in Latin America, Brazil is only the company’s tenth market in the region. “By cutting out unnecessary markups, we make it easier...

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2 weeks ago • Fabiane Ziolla Menezes
gpt-4 ai lawsuits

Tech Roundup: Brazil to tackle legal backlog with GPT-4

Welcome to our Tech Roundup, where we bring you the biggest stories in technology and innovation in Brazil and Latin America. This week: Using GPT-4 to manage millions and millions of lawsuits.

The Solicitor General’s Office is using OpenAI’s GPT-4 to handle its massive backlog

In March last year, the Solicitor General’s Office (AGU in the Portuguese acronym), which represents the federal government’s interests in the legal system, became one of the first Brazilian public sector institutions to hire OpenAI’s GPT-4, embedded in Microsoft’s cloud service Azure — already an AGU supplier. 

At the end of 2022, Microsoft and its subsidiaries had contracts with more than 280 public administration bodies.

Context. “We have been using machine learning and other document classification algorithms for more than ten years, but we have been trying to find ways to better structure, semantically classify, and extract insights from the immense volume of legal documents we deal with every day,” Francisco Alexandre Colares, secretary of governance and strategic management at the AGU, tells The Brazilian Report.

  • AGU technicians had been trying to develop a model based on BERT, Google’s AI, but after the OpenAI boom in late 2022, they realized they did not need to build their own model since the technology from Microsoft’s investee covered a large part of their necessities. 
  • “We filled out a form in early 2023, as did other organizations, showing interest in testing the model and were selected soon after,” says Mr. Colares, adding that Amazon’s AWS foundational models were also evaluated.

Super Sapiens. In June last year, the new technology was integrated with Super Sapiens, the AGU’s electronic document manager, and began to be tested in two major areas: 

  • The coordination of small claims courts (infra-legal mediation benches where...

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2 weeks ago • Fabiane Ziolla Menezes

Brazil’s Supreme Court decriminalizes marijuana. But the issue is nuanced

In a trial that lasted for almost a decade, Brazil’s Supreme Court on June 26 ruled that the possession of marijuana for personal consumption is not a crime — but an administrative offense. However, selling cannabis remains a crime. 

The court decided that, until Congress establishes new parameters, possession of up to 40 grams of cannabis, or six female plants, will be presumed for personal use rather than possession with intent to sell. 

The court highlighted that this presumption is relative, meaning that authorities can still order arrests for cannabis trafficking if there is evidence of intent to sell, such as the simultaneous seizure of scales or sales records. Justifications for such arrests must be detailed and cannot be based on arbitrary criteria. 

The current law, approved in 2006, already distinguishes between drug users and dealers, stating that users should not be arrested.

However, this Supreme Court judgment aims to address a significant issue in the Brazilian justice system. Prisoners convicted of trafficking make up nearly a third of the prison population, and studies show that in the absence of objective criteria to separate drug users from dealers, black and multiracial individuals in Brazil are disproportionately classified as traffickers and therefore arrested, compared to their white counterparts. Economic status also plays a role. 

According to the Institute of Applied Economic Research (Ipea), 68 percent of defendants...

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4 days ago • Isabela Cruz
Yanomami crisis continues under Lula government; Funai seeks help

Yanomami crisis continues under Lula; Funai seeks help

This week, Joenia Wapichana, head of Brazil’s federal indigenous agency Funai, made an urgent plea to House lawmakers for increased funding.

“We’ve gone through a very vulnerable situation,” said Ms. Wapichana, who previously served one term as the first indigenous woman elected to Congress, during a public hearing. “We lacked investments for both human and financial resources. For instance, in 2023, our discretionary budget was only BRL 225 million (USD 41 million) for the entire country.”

Public data shows that Funai spent a total of BRL 577 million last year, with more than half allocated to salaries, benefits, and pensions for both active and retired employees. 

Funai’s largest recent discretionary expense is a BRL 68 million contract with government-owned company Infraero, which manages several airports in the country. This contract is to renovate and improve five airstrips located in the Yanomami indigenous land in northern Brazil. 

Funai’s other main expenses include renting aircraft and...

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1 week ago • Cedê Silva
12 iconic films to celebrate Brazil's National Cinema Day

12 iconic films to celebrate Brazil’s National Cinema Day

June 19 is Brazil’s National Cinema Day, and to truly appreciate the significance of the seventh art in Brazil, we should rewind to the origin of cinema in the country. 

Our story begins in 1898 when Italian film cinematographer Afonso Segreto arrived in Rio de Janeiro aboard a French ship named Brésil. Mr. Segreto filmed Rio’s stunning Guanabara Bay, capturing its picturesque view with ships, fortresses, and the city’s unique nature. This landmark moment marked the birth of Brazilian cinema and earned Mr. Segreto the title of the country’s first cinematographer, a milestone still celebrated today. 

Inspired by his first film, Afonso Segreto later collaborated with his brother Pascoal to create the documentary short “A Praia de Santa Luzia” (Santa Luzia Beach). Pascoal also founded Rio’s first cinema room with regular showings, the Salão de Novidades Paris. 

Since these pioneering days, Brazilian cinema has evolved, producing award-winning films that captivate audiences worldwide. And in honor of National Cinema Day, The Brazilian Report has curated a list of 12 Brazilian movies you need to watch — if you haven’t already. So, grab your popcorn and dive into the richness of Brazilian cinema. 

O Cangaceiro (1953)

Directed by Lima Barreto, “O Cangaceiro was the first Brazilian film to win an international award, grabbing Best Adventure Film at the Cannes Film Festival....

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2 weeks ago • Alexia Massoud

Prison furlough: Brazil debates how to rehabilitate prisoners

After a struggle between Brazil’s Congress and the federal government over prison furlough — the mechanism by which prison inmates are given temporary release to visit their families — the matter has reached the Supreme Court. The issue pits most Brazilians against the government — which is in favor of furlough, in line with several organizations active in the prison system.

On Wednesday, the Brazilian Bar Association filed a lawsuit questioning the constitutionality of a new law extinguishing prison furlough, restricting the chances of inmates gaining temporary release while serving their sentence. Another legal action on the topic had already been brought before the court by the National Criminal Law Association (Anacrim).

In practice, according to several public defender offices and private legal entities, the restriction approved by Congress extinguishes Brazil’s so-called “semi-open regime” for serving prison sentences.

Brazil adopts a progressive system for carrying out criminal convictions, inspired by the Irish model. The idea is that inmates can progress from closed prison facilities into what is called a semi-open regime — by which inmates can leave prison to work during the day — and then to an open regime, allowing the prisoner to gradually reintegrate into society. Inmates can work outside of prison while incarcerated in closed facilities, but only on public construction works.

A prisoner sentenced to a “closed” prison regime can, under certain conditions, transition to a semi-open one after serving one-sixth of their sentence,...

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4 weeks ago • Isabela Cruz
The World Cup is coming back to Brazil, which has new political goals for it

The World Cup is coming back to Brazil, which has new political goals for it

Ten years after hosting the men’s football World Cup in 2014, Brazil was chosen on May 17 to hold the women’s World Cup in 2027, the first time the tournament will travel to South America. With a campaign entitled “It’s All Ready,” the Brazilian candidacy highlighted that the country already has all the infrastructure it needs to host the tournament. 

This is a reference to the works done in preparation for the 2014 World Cup, which also began to be organized during one of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s terms as Brazilian president. Indeed, Brazil’s women’s football championship, created in 2017, is itself part of the 2014 World Cup legacy program. 

Brazil’s experience with major sporting events also includes the Pan-American Games in 2007, the Olympic Games in 2016, and the Copa America in 2019 and 2021.

The 2027 tournament, however, will be a different prospect. “Unlike the 2014 World Cup, the women’s World Cup in 2027 offers a unique opportunity to promote gender equality in sport,” says Julia Costa, director of women’s football promotion within the Sports Ministry, speaking to The Brazilian Report

The volume of expenses and revenue is dwarfed in comparison to the men’s tournament, which is the most-watched sporting competition in the world. 

Forecasts from the Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF) have investments in temporary structures costing USD 13 million in total — less than 10 percent of what was spent for 2014, and public money will not be necessary. Not surprisingly, such estimates are often surpassed when all is...

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1 month ago • Isabela Cruz
Students at Escola Jatobazinho, in the Pantanal, as forest fires get ever closer from upriver. Photo: Escola Jatobazinho

Fire fears and uncertainty as Pantanal school evacuates kids

“When fires get closer, the smoke is no longer white. It turns brown, it gets hot, the air dries up, and it becomes hard to breathe.”

Tatiane Zabala is a teacher and educational coordinator at Escola Jatobazinho, a small preschool and elementary school of just over 50 students located on the Paraguay River, in the center-western Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul, close to the border with Bolivia.

Escola Jatobazinho is situated on the western edge of the Pantanal tropical wetlands, the largest and most biodiverse biome of its kind in the world. And the Pantanal, as The Brazilian Report has covered extensively, is on fire.

On June 7, Ms. Zabala tells The Brazilian Report, Escola Jatobazinho had to evacuate its students before the final week of term, as the blazes encroached ever closer.

The first half of this year has already seen 2,333 fire alerts in the Pantanal, according to data from the National Institute for Space Research (Inpe). This is 1,628 percent more than in the first six months of 2023. And the peak of this year’s fire season is still months away.

“Fires started upriver about ten days before [the evacuation] and they kept getting closer and closer,” Ms. Zabala says. On June 6, the blaze was already visible on the opposite bank of the Paraguay River, and firefighters warned that if a wind got up, the flames could “jump” to the other side of the water.

“We’re in a windy region here,” Ms. Zabala explains. “We’re so lucky it didn’t spread over to this side of the river.”

That evening, the school kids were treated to a movie night (“to make sure they’d sleep soundly”) and were told they’d be sent home early the next morning.

pantanal fires
Map: André Chiavassa/TBR

Escola Jatobazinho is in a remote area of Brazil, where all students arrive via a school boat that travels along the Paraguay River. Some of the children travel very long distances to reach the school, often being taken by horseback and then small boats to the official school boat stop.

Because of this, Escola Jatobazinho runs as a...

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6 days ago • Euan Marshall
Humpback whales make a majestic comeback on Brazil's shores

Humpback whales make a majestic comeback on Brazil’s shores

It’s a sight few would forget in a hurry: a humpback whale’s tail flicking above the water against the stunning backdrop of Rio de Janeiro’s iconic skyline. 

“We’ve just encountered a mother and her calf. They’re surfacing to breathe, showing their dorsal fins. Now, we’re going to see the tail,” explains marine biologist Bruna Rezende, as her fellow boat passengers whoop and clap with delight at the sighting. 

For many, seeing whales is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Yet, even seasoned researchers such as Ms. Rezende never lose their awe at the sight of these colossal creatures, which can grow up to 16 meters long.

This unforgettable encounter is becoming increasingly common off the Rio coast during migration season, which runs from June to September. For the first time this year, both tourists and locals can join whale-watching tours in the area.  

This new venture is a result of the successful recovery of Brazil’s humpback whale population. Conservationists hope these tours will further protect these majestic mammals, often referred to as “sentinels of the sea” for their role in indicating the health of marine ecosystems. 

A conservation success story

Conservationists believe that marine observation can raise awareness and help protect whales and other marine life. Photo: Bruna Rezende/Amigos da Baleia Jubarte
Conservationists believe that marine observation can raise awareness and help protect whales and other marine life. Photo: Bruna Rezende/Amigos da Baleia Jubarte

Like much of the world, Brazil’s humpback whale population — which migrates from Antarctica to reproduce — was nearly driven to extinction by hunting. When the international whaling moratorium was adopted in 1986, it was estimated that only about 500 humpbacks remained in the Brazilian population.

Nearly four decades...

1 week ago • Constance Malleret
Guaraná producers unloading a boat on a dried out Amazon river. Photo:

Brazil’s Amazon could be in for severe drought double-header

Last year, a severe drought hit many of the main rivers in the Amazon basin, putting almost every municipality in the northern Brazilian state of Amazonas state on red alert. As rivers dried up, crucial supplies couldn’t make it to further-flung parts of the state, nor could floating health centers, banks, and other essential services.

In many parts of the Amazon, 2023 was the most intense drought in history. And, according to forecasts from the Amazonas State Civil Defense force, this year’s drought is gearing up to be even worse.

At crucial parts of the Amazon River, where low water levels led to catastrophe in 2023, the river is currently significantly lower than it was this time last year. At the fluviometric station of Itacoatiara, downstream from the state capital Manaus, the river is almost a full meter and a half lower than it was at this time in 2023. 

In October last year, the station measured an all-time low reading of just 36 centimeters. Indeed, in the last 20 years, water levels at the station have only ever been this low in mid-June once: in 2016.

Drought in itself is an annual occurrence in the Amazon, where the season’s operate in accordance with rainfall and river levels. In general terms, rivers in the Amazon basin are at their fullest in May and June, and are emptiest around October. Of course, this varies depending on which part of the Amazon you are talking about, as the state of Amazonas alone spreads over an area the size of France, Spain, and Sweden combined.

As such, drought is a natural feature of life in the region, but extreme droughts are rare — or, at least, they used to be.

A recurring nightmare?

In the small Amazonian city of Benjamin Constant, tucked away in the western reaches of Brazil on the country’s triple border with Colombia and Peru,...

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3 weeks ago • Euan Marshall
China can put pressure on Brazil's lax Cerrado protections

China can put pressure on Brazil’s lax Cerrado protections

A delegation from the Brazilian government, led by Vice President Geraldo Alckmin, was in China this week to take part in Cosban, a high-level bilateral commission, with a view to strengthening trade relations with the Chinese. The two countries made use of the occasion to celebrate the 50th anniversary of their bilateral diplomatic relations.

Internally, however, agricultural exports from Brazil to China are at the center of a major Brazilian problem, which has made the news over the past year: the deforestation crisis in the Cerrado tropical savanna, particularly in the so-called Matopiba region, which represents the intersection between the states of Maranhão, Tocantins, Piauí, and Bahia. 

Engulfed by export agribusiness, the Cerrado is Brazil’s second-largest biome and the most biodiverse savanna in the world. Considered Brazil’s water tank, it is also home to the springs of the three largest river basins in South America.

As The Brazilian Report has shown, a report published by MapBiomas at the end of May indicated that the Cerrado surpassed the Amazon and became the most deforested biome in the country in 2023. The region of Matopiba alone accounted for 47 percent of all deforestation recorded in Brazil.

And China has consolidated itself as a central actor in this process, amid tighter environmental requirements imposed by the European Union. In 2023, sales to the Asian country were record-breaking, exceeding USD 60 billion — more than 36 percent of the total exported by Brazilian agribusiness.

Among the ten main products exported by Brazil, the Chinese market was the leading destination for the country’s soybeans, corn, sugar, beef, poultry, cellulose, cotton, and fresh pork.

In Matopiba specifically, China consolidated itself as the main buyer of soybeans, corn, and cotton, during a period in which the region became Brazil’s new agricultural frontier — and also what experts call a “sacrificial biome.” 

Deforestation in Matopiba has more than tripled since 2019, reaching 859,000 hectares in 2024 — around five times the size of...

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3 weeks ago • Isabela Cruz
donations rio grande do sul disaster

Brazilian insurers propose mandatory natural disaster coverage

Since last year, that is, before the climate tragedy in the South, the Brazilian Insurance Confederation (CNSeg) has been talking to the federal government and some members of Congress about a proposal to introduce a mandatory natural disaster coverage in the country. The idea would require a contribution of up to BRL 3 (just over 50 U.S. cents) from the more than 61 million Brazilians who pay electricity bills. 

The entity estimates that this would be enough to create a fund that could pay immediate aid of BRL 15,000 (USD 2,840) to people impacted by climate events, in addition to a compensation of BRL 5,000 for each dead relative. It would be a complementary aid to that of local and federal governments. However, convincing lawmakers to support a proposal that would make the population of one of the countries with the highest tax burden in the world pay another mandatory fee is quite a challenge.

“The proposal has a mutualist basis. The only Brazilians who would not pay would be those already exempt from the electricity bill, who are beneficiaries of welfare programs such as Bolsa Família. […] Faced with a disaster like the one occurring now in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, we need a broad financial base [to which to resort],” Esteves Colnago, director of institutional relations at CNSeg, tells The Brazilian Report. There are around 17 million households currently exempt from electricity bills in Brazil, in which monthly family income does not exceed half the minimum wage per person.

He says that the proposal would be enough to collect nearly BRL 2.2 billion in annual resources, more than twice the usual budget of the federal government for civil defense. If on the one hand, instituting something like this through the electricity bill would be a more agile way of doing it, on the other, it is also controversial, given that 38.6 percent of Brazilians’ electricity...

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4 weeks ago • Fabiane Ziolla Menezes
bolivia Security forces occupied Bolivia's main political square, Plaza Murillo, and tried to storm the presidential palace on Wednesday. Photo: Luis Gandarillas/EFE
Latin America

Coup attempt epitomizes political crisis in Bolivia

Bolivians experienced a sense of déjà vu on Wednesday when President Luis Arce’s social media accounts denounced “irregular movements” by several Army units. 

Less than five years after top military officers pushed former President Evo Morales out of office, General Juan José Zúñiga — who was the commander of the country’s Armed Forces until Tuesday — led troops to forcibly enter the presidential palace. Gen. Zúñiga pledged to “restructure democracy” in Bolivia and claimed to have the backing of police forces.

Mr. Arce confronted Gen. Zúñiga at the doorstep of the presidential palace and ordered the military to return to their barracks. 

Within three hours, the apparent coup attempt was quashed, and Gen. Zúñiga — along with some of his co-conspirators — was arrested, revealing the putsch had little support. However, the general claimed, without evidence, that his incursion had been ordered by the president himself — in a false flag operation to boost his popularity.

bolivia Gen. Juan José Zúñiga was arrested after leading troops to the presidential palace. Photo: EFE
Gen. Juan José Zúñiga was arrested after leading troops to the presidential palace. Photo: EFE

Members of the Bolivian government responded by saying that Gen. Zúñiga had lost all credibility. “They were trying to win popular support and the support of the Bolivian people,” said Eduardo del Castillo, the minister of government. “But the people of Bolivia no longer want coup adventures.”

The coup attempt must be understood...

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5 days ago • Lucas Berti
In Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega is going after his own brother
Latin America

In Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega is going after his own brother

Since President Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua violently responded to civil protests in 2018 with brutality — leaving over 300 civilians dead — his increasingly repressive administration has collected a long list of enemies. 

One of the first groups to pay the bill was the country’s fragmented opposition, whose political rights have been reduced year after year ever since, to the point that a dozen adversaries of Mr. Ortega were banned from running in the 2021 presidential election, allowing the far-left ruler to be elected for a fourth consecutive term despite widespread complaints about the persecution.  

Over time, President Ortega’s scythe reached more targets, including NGOs, human rights groups, press organizations, musicians, writers, priests, universities, and even former colleagues from the 1979 Sandinista Revolution. All of them were accused of taking part in a plot led by imperialist forces to overthrow the government. 

Last year, the government forced over 200 political prisoners onto a plane and sent them to exile in the U.S.  

With the entire country under his thumb and virtually no adversaries with enough power to effectively question his authority, President Ortega is going one step further, targeting his own brother, retired Army General Humberto Ortega.

Last May, the 77-year-old Gen. Ortega was mysteriously put under the guard of a state-controlled “Specialized Medical Assistance Unit,” reportedly responsible for monitoring his health status. The unit was allowed free access to his house, using Gen. Ortega’s chronic heart problems as the perfect excuse. 

This suspicious health task force came to the fore only a few days after policemen...

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7 days ago • Lucas Berti
Oil, sanctions, blackouts: Venezuela energy transition is complex
Latin America

Oil, sanctions, blackouts: Venezuela’s energy transition is complex

During the 2010s, Venezuela took what might appear to be a giant leap towards decarbonization. The Caribbean country’s carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels and industry were cut by a third, falling from over 198 million tons per year in 2013, to just under 62 million tons in 2020, according to data from the Global Carbon Budget report.

However, this huge decline is not a sign of a government-driven clean energy push.

“There was a decrease in greenhouse gases, but it was not related to public policy, but to a drop in oil production — much exacerbated by the introduction of sanctions from the United States in 2019,” explains Christi Rangel Guerrero, an economist and researcher for the anti-corruption NGO Transparency Venezuela.

Some of these sanctions apply to PDVSA, the Venezuelan state-owned oil company. These restrictions prohibit it from exporting crude oil to the U.S. and from buying supplies from U.S. companies to support gasoline production. Issued by the U.S. Treasury Department, the sanctions caused Venezuelan oil production — which was already struggling due to falling investment and losses of skilled personnel — to plummet.

According to data compiled by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), Venezuela’s daily oil output fell from approximately 2.32 million barrels in December 2013 to 786,000 barrels in December 2023. This, as Rangel highlights, is the main reason for Venezuela’s falling carbon emissions.

However, Venezuela’s dependence on oil does not seem to be waning: President Nicolás Maduro’s administration is searching for new oil partnerships abroad; three-year-old climate change bills are crawling through parliament; meanwhile, businesses and individuals are turning to fossil-fuelled generators for their electricity.

The first challenge: Thermoelectric plants

Rangel lives in Mérida. Situated in the west of Venezuela, in the Andean region, the city is known for its mountain scenery — and, by many, for its constant power failures. Merideños can face daily power cuts that range from four to 12 hours, owing to a lack of investment in power infrastructure and a sector undermined by widespread corruption, beset by opaque bidding processes and billions lost in irregular payments.

As Venezuela’s oil production has fallen, so too has state investment to maintain its electricity service. Power cuts have been occurring in Mérida for more than a decade.

To overcome the often daily outages, companies, businesses, and even households have resorted to buying thermoelectric generators that run on fossil fuels — a practice also common in other Andean states such...

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1 week ago • Margaret López
mexico sheinbaum
Latin America

Will Sheinbaum undo Mexico’s energy liberalization?

That Claudia Sheinbaum from the incumbent Morena party clinched the recent Mexican presidential elections came as no surprise.

But the fact that Ms. Sheinbaum won with nearly 60 percent of the national vote in a landslide election, bringing the coalition to the brink of a supermajority in both chambers of Congress, did catch observers off guard.

This has sparked concerns that such an overwhelming mandate could pave the way for the president-elect to further Andrés Manuel “AMLO” López Obrador’s legacy and implement major constitutional changes.

Among those fearing changes are those invested in Mexico’s energy sector — an industry that the highly-popular AMLO persistently aimed to overhaul, pushing for greater participation of state-owned companies. His proposals would overturn a 2013 pro-market reform which opened oil and electricity up to the private sector, in a move that drew AMLO’s criticism from day one. 

During his six years in office, AMLO’s attempts at energy reform were thwarted time and again by both the Mexican Congress and the country’s judicial system.

The former struck down a 2021 constitutional reform proposal that prioritized state-controlled generators in energy markets, while a Supreme Court ruling earlier this year also deemed a similar bill unconstitutional, pointing to favoritism toward public companies such as hydrocarbon giant Pemex and the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE).

As AMLO’s protégé, President-elect Sheinbaum now stands poised to fulfill her mentor’s ambitions, empowered by a congressional coalition whose power has rarely been seen in modern Mexican politics.

The alliance...

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2 weeks ago • David Feliba
Argentina Senate passed a sprawling bill on Wednesday that is key to libertarian President Javier Milei
Latin America

Milei wins a battle, but is far from winning the war

After six months of negotiations, a discarded first draft, and several concessions to the opposition, President Javier Milei of Argentina secured his first congressional victory yesterday, when the Senate narrowly passed his so-called “omnibus bill,” liberalizing multiple aspects of the national economy.

The bill needed the tie-breaking vote of the vice president and head of the Senate, Victoria Villarruel, after a 36-36 draw in the Senate. Mr. Milei even postponed a trip to the G7 meeting in Italy to make sure Ms. Villarruel remained in the Senate in order to tip the scales in his favor.

A slightly different version of the bill had already been approved by Argentina’s lower house earlier this year, meaning that the text will have to return there to decide which version of the bill is finally turned into law. 

The vote took place in a tense atmosphere, as protests outside of Congress ended with torched cars and multiple arrests, in what some claim was staged violence to paint critics of the government as savage agitators.

Journalist Orlando Morales, from the right-wing Cadena 3 news radio, said the group of masked men who torched his car looked like “infiltrators.”

“We want to congratulate our security forces for their excellent work against terrorist groups carrying sticks, stones, and even grenades, who tried to perpetrate a coup d’etat blocking the normal functioning of Argentina’s Congress,” one of many over-the-top government press releases said.

What Milei’s “omnibus bill” includes

The bill starts by bestowing the president with emergency powers in “administrative, economic, financial, and energy matters” for the next 12 months, giving him scope to...

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3 weeks ago • Ignacio Portes
Is Brazil's Central Bank throwing shade at Lula on social media?

Is Brazil’s Central Bank throwing shade at Lula on social media?

Relations between the Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva administration and the Central Bank, led by orthodox economist Roberto Campos Neto, have never been smooth. And they were never expected to be.

As part of the ultraliberal economics of the previous government, former far-right President Jair Bolsonaro appointed Mr. Campos Neto to a four-year term ending at the start of 2025. Lula, meanwhile, has for long been in favor of looser spending policies — saying that markets mislabel social and healthcare spending as “expenses” rather than “investments,” and that his only motivation is to have all Brazilians able to eat three square meals a day.

The cohabitation has become rockier now that the Central Bank has put a full stop to its monetary easing cycle. After six consecutive half-percentage point cuts between August 2023 and May 2024, the bank’s Monetary Policy Committee made a rate cut of just 0.25 points in May, and last week, interests remained unchanged at 10.5 percent.

In the minutes explaining its latest decision, the Central Bank left the door open for a return to rate hikes if inflation rises, and issued a stern warning about the government’s fiscal policies, saying that uncontrolled spending would impact its monetary policy.

“It was a pity that the committee did not cut the interest rate, the Brazilian people will lose out as a result,” Lula said in an interview...

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6 days ago • Gustavo Ribeiro
AI artificial intelligence senate

The race for AI regulation in Brazil

Considering the global advances (and practical concerns) of artificial intelligence systems globally and the evolution of the topic in Europe, with the approval of the European Union’s AI Act in May, discussions on the need to regulate the use and development of the technology have exponentially increased worldwide — and this was not different in Brazil.

In the past year, Brazil’s discussions on AI regulation have really taken off. As we have discussed in past articles, the country initially developed broad, principle-based guidelines such as the Brazilian AI Strategy, and proposed legislative frameworks, such as Bill 21/2020, which swiftly passed the House in 2021 and moved to the Senate.

But the game-changer came in May 2023, with the presentation of Bill 2,338/2023, a comprehensive regulatory proposal based on a draft developed by a Senate commission. The bill outlines robust...

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7 days ago • Marcela Mattiuzzo and Isabella Aragão
Lula needs to pay more attention to domestic policies

Lula needs to pay more attention to domestic policies

Last week, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva attended the G7 Summit in Italy as one of several leaders invited for so-called outreach meetings. 

The heads of Algeria, Argentina, India, Jordan, Kenya, Mauritania, Tunisia, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates were also present. 

Hosted by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, the annual meeting of the world’s wealthiest and most consolidated democracies saw an expanded list of invitees beyond the traditional G7 members, reflecting a desire to broaden the summit’s engagement with global leaders. 

Perhaps inspired by the gathering, Lula has made a point of stressing that Brazil’s economy could once again be in the top six worldwide by the end of his term. It is currently expected to be the eighth-largest economy in the world this year.  

Lula participated actively in discussions on various critical issues. He emphasized the importance of addressing challenges such as climate change, economic security, global governance, sustainable development, and artificial intelligence.​ Unlike his predecessor, who never seemed comfortable in large international forums, Lula thrives in such settings. 

This was his eighth G7 summit, and he relished Brazil’s renewed global relevance. “It seems to me that in this first quarter of the 21st century, people are realizing that the way things were organized after World War II has stopped working, including...

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2 weeks ago • Andre Pagliarini
House Speaker Arthur Lira

Brazil’s speaker disregards House rules in a dangerous way

Last week, Brazil’s House approved a motion to fast-track a bill that equates the penalty for abortion after 22 weeks of pregnancy to the crime of simple homicide, even in cases where the procedure is permitted by Brazilian law (that is, rape, risk to the woman’s life, and fetal anencephaly). Initially proposed by evangelical legislator Sostenes Cavalcante, the bill was co-signed by 33 congress members — more than half belonging to Jair Bolsonaro’s Liberal Party. 

The approval of the urgency motion itself was contentious. Per House rules, these requests must be approved by a simple majority on the floor. But House Speaker Arthur Lira imposed a symbolic vote, in which there is no roll-call, and did not announce which request was about to be voted on. 

Newspaper Folha de S. Paulo reported that “after Mr. Lira announced the motion’s approval, not even Congress members themselves had understood if the motion had been voted on or not.” 

This move represents the most blatant violation of House internal rules by Mr. Lira during his four-year speakership — a period that was already marked by consecutive and serious rules violations. 

House internal rules and urgency motions

The website of Brazil’s lower house makes the chamber’s internal rules available for download. 

These rules determine the procedures that guide both the legislative process and the functioning of the House. For example, according to articles 153...

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2 weeks ago • Beatriz Rey
presidents blocking regional cooperation latin america

The big personalities blocking regional cooperation in Latin America

The last few months have been busy for diplomacy in Latin America.

On April 5, local police stormed the Mexican embassy in Quito and arrested former Ecuadorian Vice President Jorge Glas — in what was widely perceived as a violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.

The move was condemned around the region and the world, and led to both the severing of diplomatic relations and to Mexico filing a case against Ecuador in the International Court of Justice. Last month saw both the first day of the Hague-based court’s hearing, as well as the filing of a counterclaim by Ecuador.

Mexico has even requested Ecuador’s temporary expulsion from the United Nations. A few days later, Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa commented that he’d invite his Mexican counterpart, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, to eat ceviche and tacos and talk when he was ready. Mr. López Obrador, commonly known as AMLO, bristled at the suggestion and reiterated that the diplomatic crisis was not a frivolity.

However, amidst all the drama, it is worth noting that bilateral tensions did not begin with the early-April raid. A day prior, for example, Ecuador declared Mexico’s ambassador in the country persona non grata and demanded their departure in response to comments made by AMLO in which he had questioned the impact of the murder of a leading Ecuadorian presidential candidate on...

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3 weeks ago • Gabriel Cohen