
Lula 100 days – Myriad challenges and unforced errors

Author: Fabiane Ziolla Menezes, Gustavo Ribeiro, Euan Marshall, Cedê Silva, Amanda Audi

April, 10. Looking to learn the story so far about the new Lula government in Brazil? Our 34-page report provides comprehensive analysis of the administration’s first 100 days in office.

Gain invaluable insights into the Lula government’s plans to rework Brazil’s fiscal framework and tax system, and bring the country back to the international stage in foreign policy.

Find out how the government plans to beat Amazon deforestation by the end of the decade, and how Lula will tackle a growing hunger epidemic.

Plus, see how the government plans to carry all of this out without the explicit support of Congress.
Buy our report today and stay ahead of the game for Brazil’s next 100 days and beyond.


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