
Operation Car Wash’s biggest weapon turned against itself

Operation Car Wash biggest weapon turned against itself former judge sergio moro
Former Judge Sergio Moro

Since its early days, Operation Car Wash has drawn comparisons to Italy’s Mani Pulite (Clean Hands) investigation. Like its European predecessor, prosecutors hit the core of a deeply-corrupt political system that encompassed major parties and seemed entrenched in all levels of public administration. Both probes eroded the country’s levels of trust in institutions, culminating with the rise of a right-wing populist to the presidency: Silvio Berlusconi in Italy, and Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil.

But the two investigations share other characteristics. Firstly is the reliance on a close relationship with the press to gather popular support and corner the political establishment. In order to sustain such a close relationship—which earned then-Judge Sergio Moro comparisons to Superman—the operation relied on selective leaks.

They happened in two main ways. First were traditional leaks, where sources within the Justice system gave privileged access to journalists. The other was a more subtle—but equally effective—strategy of making statements public in timely situations. Now, as The Intercept has started what promises to be a long...

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