
Justice Minister message leaks could destroy Op. Car Wash

dallagnol lula sergio moro
From left to right: Deltan Dallagnol, Lula, Sergio Moro

Since the finale of Game of Thrones, Brazil’s Sunday evenings were bereft of political intrigue, scandal, and betrayal. But if you know the country at least a tiny bit, you knew that wouldn’t last for long. On Sunday evening, news website The Intercept published a series of reports based on private messages exchanged between Operation Car Wash prosecutors and then-federal judge Sergio Moro and leaked by a source.

The site says the exposés are “merely the beginning of what we intend to be an ongoing journalistic investigation, using this massive archive of material, into the Car Wash corruption probe.” The Intercept also says their reports bear no relation to the recent phone hacking of Justice Minister Sergio Moro. As the journalists also had access to conversations between prosecutors only (not limited to Mr. Moro), that seems to be true.

The editors of the pieces chose not to seek comment from the...

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