
Explaining Brazil #105: Pandemic power plays in Brazil and the U.S.

The Covid-19 pandemic has made the similarities between Jair Bolsonaro and Donald Trump even more apparent

Since the start of his rise from congressional backbencher to the presidency of Latin America’s richest nation, Jair Bolsonaro’s antics have always been compared to those of Donald Trump.

While not a perfect nickname, Bolsonaro has often been referred to as the “Trump of the Tropics”, a comparison that he’s always welcomed and fueled himself. 

And Covid-19 has made the two far-right leaders even more alike.

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On this episode:

  • Luis Fernando Correia is a physician and a healthcare correspondent in the U.S. for Brazilian radio station CBN.

Background reading:

Explaining Brazil is made by:

  • Gustavo Ribeiro, editor-in-chief of The Brazilian Report. He has extensive experience covering Brazilian politics. His work has been featured across Brazilian and French media outlets, including Veja, Época, Folha de S.Paulo, Médiapart, and Radio France Internationale.
  • Euan Marshall, editing. Euan is a journalist and translator who has lived in São Paulo, Brazil since 2011. Specializing in Brazilian soccer, politics and the connection between the two, his work has been published in The Telegraph, Al Jazeera, The Independent, among others.

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