
Why the U.S. flag became a far-right symbol in Brazil

The Washington Post was shocked that the U.S. flag had been adopted by the Brazilian far-right. But It shouldn't have been

flag us brazil
Pro-Bolsonaro supporters wave the Brazilian, American, and Israeli flags during anti-democratic protest. Photo: Alf Ribeiro/Shutterstock

A story published recently by The Washington Post asks why the U.S. flag has become a symbol among supporters of Brazil’s far-right President Jair Bolsonaro. The reporters then identify what they call a paradox at the heart of the Bolsonarista movement: how is it possible that the group has adopted the flag of the world’s “oldest democracy” to support authoritarian practices?

As economist Filipe Campante wrote on Twitter, the paradox is non-existent. The U.S. has a long history of supporting authoritarian regimes in Latin America, going as far as intervening to ensure their existence in several countries. And the U.S.’s own democratic turmoil provides additional inspiration for Brazil’s autocratic hopefuls. 

U.S. interference in Latin America

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