Brazil Daily

🚧 Flood risk everywhere

flood risk climate change
Some of the areas hit hardest by floods in Rio Grande do Sul were not those deemed as being at very high risk. Photo: Ian Maenfeld/Folhapress

Happy Friday! Today, we bring worrisome findings about the flood risks facing most Brazilian cities. The impacts of the Rio Grande do Sul disaster on inflation begin to be assessed. And the Rio de Janeiro governor goes on trial.

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Flood risks loom over an unprepared Brazil

flood risk climate change
Some of the areas hit hardest by floods in Rio Grande do Sul were not those deemed as being at very high risk. Photo: Ian Maenfeld/Folhapress

Data from the Science and Technology Ministry shows that 72 percent of Brazil’s 5,570 municipalities face a medium-to-very high risk of facing floods in the coming years. What’s more, that is the most optimistic of the ministry’s projections.

hydrological disaster risk map GIF 2030-2050

Tomorrow’s problems, today. Since 2019, more than 60 percent of Brazilian cities have faced some type of emergency caused by extreme climate events, according to data compiled at the end of last year by think tank Instituto Talanoa, at the request of The Brazilian Report.

State of play. The federal government promises to draft a national strategy to adapt Brazilian cities to the growing climate emergency by October. So far, only 12 of Brazil’s 27 state capitals reportedly have plans to adapt to climate change. 

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