
Ill-prepared Pazuello a major government concern ahead of hearings

hearings Health Ministry building in Brasília. Photo: Arthur Matsuo/Shutterstock
Health Ministry building in Brasília. Photo: Arthur Matsuo/Shutterstock

As the Senate’s Covid hearings kick off today, the government is coaching any and all cabinet members who could be summoned to testify. The goal is to train them on handling questions from the committee without implicating themselves — and, more importantly, the president — in any wrongdoing. 

One of the main concerns is with regard to former Health Minister Eduardo Pazuello — who is, according to our sources, not only deemed to be ill-prepared but also difficult to coach. Back in February, when he was still serving in the administration, government aides attempted to prepare him for speaking before the Senate. Mr. Pazuello, however, was “sure he knew how to handle himself,” and went on to blow his lines.

“There is an enormous chance [Mr. Pazuello] will complicate things for himself,” one government source tells The Brazilian Report.