
Tech Roundup: Brazil to tackle legal backlog with GPT-4

In early 2023, Brazil's Solicitor General's Office was one of the government institutions to hire OpenAI's GPT-4 in the country. After months of testing, the model is about to be made viable for all servants and divisions

gpt-4 ai lawsuits
Photo: Ascannio/Shutterstock

Welcome to our Tech Roundup, where we bring you the biggest stories in technology and innovation in Brazil and Latin America. This week: Using GPT-4 to manage millions and millions of lawsuits.

The Solicitor General’s Office is using OpenAI’s GPT-4 to handle its massive backlog

In March last year, the Solicitor General’s Office (AGU in the Portuguese acronym), which represents the federal government’s interests in the legal system, became one of the first Brazilian public sector institutions to hire OpenAI’s GPT-4, embedded in Microsoft’s cloud service Azure — already an AGU supplier. 

At the end of 2022, Microsoft and its subsidiaries had contracts with more than 280 public administration bodies.

Context. “We have been using machine learning and other document classification algorithms for more than ten years, but we have been trying to find ways to better structure, semantically classify, and extract insights from the immense volume of legal documents we deal with every day,” Francisco Alexandre Colares, secretary of governance and strategic management at the AGU, tells The Brazilian Report.

  • AGU technicians had been trying to develop a model based on BERT, Google’s AI, but after the OpenAI boom in late 2022, they realized they did not need to build their own model since the technology from Microsoft’s investee covered a large part of their necessities. 
  • “We filled out a form in early 2023, as did other organizations, showing interest in testing the model and were selected soon after,” says Mr. Colares, adding that Amazon’s AWS foundational models were also evaluated.

Super Sapiens. In June last year, the new technology was integrated with Super Sapiens, the AGU’s electronic document manager, and began to be tested in two major areas: 

  • The coordination of small claims courts (infra-legal mediation benches where...

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