
Explaining Brazil #95: Brazil’s climate crisis has already begun

Heavy rains and other extreme weather events have become the norm in Brazil, with much of the blame lying with climate change and poor urban planning

In many Brazilian urban centers, floods and landslides have become commonplace. While poor urban planning is the main culprit—as most big cities in the country have their rivers channeled through pipes—climate change has made things worse. Extreme weather has become the new normal, and Brazil could soon have to deal with thousands (if not millions) of climate refugees.

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On this episode:

  • Claudio Angelo is a coordinator at the Brazilian Climate Observatory. He wrote the book “A Espiral da Morte – como a humanidade alterou a máquina do clima” (or “Death Spiral: How Humanity Altered the Weather”), and previously worked as Science editor for newspaper Folha de S. Paulo.

Background reading:

Explaining Brazil is made by:

  • Gustavo Ribeiro, editor in chief of The Brazilian Report. He has extensive experience covering Brazilian politics. His work has been featured across Brazilian and French media outlets, including Veja, Época, Folha de S.Paulo, Médiapart, and Radio France Internationale.
  • Euan Marshall, editing. Euan is a journalist and translator who has lived in São Paulo, Brazil since 2011. Specializing in Brazilian soccer, politics and the connection between the two, his work has been published in The Telegraph, Al Jazeera, The Independent, among others.

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