
Explaining Brazil #80: Odebrecht’s Peruvian wrecking ball

Peru is in turmoil.

The country’s president, Martín Vizcarra, has shut down Congress—and in retaliation, Congressmen have tried to remove him from office. Lawmakers declared the presidency vacant and have sworn in Vice President Mercedes Aráoz.

It is unclear how this crisis will unfold.

You might be asking yourself why are we talking about a Peruvian crisis on a podcast called Explaining Brazil. Well, it’s because the spark for this turmoil was a scandal unveiled by Brazil’s very own Operation Car Wash.

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On this episode:

  • Alberto Vergara is a professor at the Department of Social and Political Sciences at the Universidad del Pacífico (Lima, Peru). He received his Ph.D. from the University of Montreal and has given lectures on Latin American politics at Harvard University and Sciences Po, in Paris.
  • Anna Virkama is a sociologist, and a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Tampere. She also works as a freelance reporter based in Lima, writing on education, culture, and politics.

Background reading:

Explaining Brazil is made by:

  • Gustavo Ribeiro, editor in chief of The Brazilian Report. He has extensive experience covering Brazilian politics. His work has been featured across Brazilian and French media outlets, including Veja, Época, Folha de S.Paulo, Médiapart, and Radio France Internationale.
  • Euan Marshall, editing. is a journalist and translator who has lived in São Paulo, Brazil since 2011. Specializing in Brazilian soccer, politics and the connection between the two, his work has been published in The Telegraph, Al Jazeera, The Independent, among others.
  • Lucas Berti covers international affairs—specializing in Latin American politics and markets. He first studied economics and business at Insper/SP, before transferring to Mackenzie University to complete a journalism degree. He has been published by Opera Mundi, Revista VIP, and The Intercept Brasil, among others, and is also the author of a weekly newsletter on Twitter entitled “Girão da America”—in which he gathers news on human rights, economics and politics from around Latin America.

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