Latin America Weekly

🌊 Dams, rates, and steel

Chinese steel dumping worries Latin American producers. Photo: ABCDStock/Shutterstock
Chinese steel dumping worries Latin American producers. Photo: ABCDStock/Shutterstock

Hello, and welcome to the Latin America Weekly newsletter! In this issue: How droughts caused an energy crisis in Ecuador and Colombia. Regional startups feeling the sting of higher interest rates. And the protectionist response to China’s growing steel exports.

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Cheap Chinese steel spreads dumping fears across the region

Chinese steel dumping worries Latin American producers. Photo: ABCDStock/Shutterstock
Chinese steel dumping worries Latin American producers. Photo: ABCDStock/Shutterstock

China’s economic slowdown has led the Asian giant to look for new markets for its over-abundant steel output, and Latin American industries are already feeling the sting of cheaper competition.

👉 Why it matters. China manufactures more than half of the world’s steel, and reduced demand at home can throw the sector into global disarray.

  • Large players from the U.S. to Brazil are already complaining about dumping and unfair practices, and countries like Mexico and Chile are already...

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