
Lula nominates new head of intelligence agency

Lula new intelligence agency
Photo: Antonio Cruz/ABr

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on Friday nominated Luiz Fernando Corrêa as the new head of the Brazilian Intelligence Agency (Abin). Yesterday, Lula moved Abin from under the military-run Institutional Security Office (GSI) to the purview of the Office of the Chief of Staff, in an effort to demilitarize strategic areas of the government.

The name of Mr. Corrêa must be confirmed by the Senate before he can take office. 

Mr. Corrêa served as director general of the Federal Police from late 2007 to early 2011, during most of Lula’s second term. Previously, he worked as national public security secretary during Lula’s first term. He later served for more than four years as director of security for the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio.

After the January 8 riots, Lula replaced hundreds of military service members and officers from positions related to the security of presidential facilities and of the president himself. 

Former President Jair Bolsonaro also nominated a Federal Police officer to head Brazil’s intelligence agency. Alexandre Ramagem led Abin from 2019 to 2022. He left to run for Congress and was sworn in as a federal lawmaker last month.

Separately, President Lula today also nominated Tiago Pereira, a board member of the Brazilian Civil Aviation Agency (Anac), to be the regulator’s head after Juliano Noman announced his resignation.