
Brazilians want democracy… with an authoritarian government

Brazilians want democracy… with an authoritarian government
Photo: Shutterstock

It has been a tradition in Brazilian politics for Datafolha, the most respected polling institute in the country, to publish an opinion poll on the eve of election day, indicating the last-minute trends that will drive voters when casting their ballots. Along with that, pollsters ask people about their appreciation of democracy. In 2018, the results were heart-warming: for 69 percent of voters, it is the best system we have – the highest rate since Brazil became a real democracy, in 1985, when the question was first asked.

However, a new poll conducted by Datafolha, just two weeks later, shows a different picture. The rate of Brazilians who are prone to accept an overbearing state with authoritarian powers has dramatically risen since 2008.