
15 Brazilian expressions you’d never make sense of

brazilian expressions

As we’ve mentioned in other articles about the evolution of the Portuguese language, the Brazilian way of speaking is pretty unique. Take Portuguese, chop it up with some indigenous and African roots, and you get unique Brazilian expressions like these:

“Enfiar o pé na jaca”
(To stick your foot in the jackfruit)
To commit excesses

Back in the 17th century, Brazilian cowboys used to get drunk and kick their saddle packs – called jacá, almost like the jackfruit (Jaca in Portuguese) – to the ground trying to get on their mounts. Today, whether it’s with alcohol or food, Brazilians use this expression when someone goes beyond their limit.

“A vaca foi pro brejo”
(The cow’s in the swamp)
Something’s gone really wrong

During a drought, cows go off in search of water in swampy areas. When they end up stuck in the mud, they put up a lot of work for farmers to pull them out. Oftentimes, the cows drown in the swamp, meaning a big loss for the farmer.

“Tapar o sol com a peneira”
(To cover the...

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