
How to talk Brazilian politics at the holiday dinner table

How to talk Brazilian politics at the holiday dinner table
Brazilian politics can split families. Photo: Kiselev Andrey Valerevich/Shutterstock

In a country marred by political polarization, mealtime conversations about Brazilian politics can quickly turn your house into the Thunderdome. But never fear, fact-checking agency Aos Fatos, a partner institution of The Brazilian Report, has come up with data to help you stand your ground when talking to that uncle who bases his opinions on faulty generalizations.

For the 2017 holiday season, Aos Fatos has selected a few topics that will certainly make you cringe – fearing that your family’s holiday dinner might end up in an awkward atmosphere.

« Lula’s was convicted by Federal Judge Sérgio Moro without any proof of wrongdoing »

Lula was found guilty of accepting a beachfront triplex apartment from a construction firm as a bribe (valued at BRL 3.7 million), paid in exchange for Lula’s actions to favor the company during his administration.

The Workers’ Party is not right when it claims that Moro’s verdict is only based on statements made by Operation Car Wash defendants during plea-bargain testimony. The judge cites several times documents found during sweeps at Lula’s apartment.

Moro used contracts between Lula, his wife, and the construction company to show that the former President didn’t pay for the triplex apartment – and yet was still its sole user. Documents in the name of Lula’s late wife, Marisa Letícia, were also admitted as evidence. Marisa’s tax returns and contracts with the construction firm helped incriminate Lula, according to Moro.

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