
Brasília apprehensive with hacker attacks

telegram hacker attacks brazil the intercept vaza jato

The latest political bombshell concerned the arrest of four individuals allegedly linked to the hacker attacks on over 1,000 mobile phones held by innumerable figures from the political and juridical worlds of Brazil.

Here, I will put forward an analysis of the possible impact on Brasília, based on what we already know about the investigation. I do not believe that there will be any major political instability arising from this, at least in the short term, despite the evident anxiety of many of those involved.

It should be noted from the start that my analysis aims to distance itself from political extremes on both sides. If you’re expecting to read an article linking the hackers to the Workers’ Party, or one which deduces that the Federal Police’s actions have some intention of protecting Sérgio Moro, you will not find that here.

It is entirely plausible to believe in the Federal Police’s work, in the need to clear-up the case, and also to question the hackers’ intentions as to the hacks and whether there are any links between them and The Intercept. Not least because there are very suspicious transactions involving the bank accounts of two of the four who were arrested. Equally, it is normal to want the content of the supposed conversations between Moro and Dallagnol, as well as between...

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