
Unemployment rates in Brazil remain stable — but at an all-time high

Living conditions have deteriorated in Brazil. Photo: Tânia Rêgo/ABr

The number of unemployed people in Brazil was estimated at 14.4 million in the three-month period ending in February. This remains the largest level on record, since the government launched the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD) in 2012. 

There were another 400,000 unemployed people compared to the previous three-month period. The unemployment rate of 14.4 percent was largely stable in comparison to September-November 2020, but increased by some 2.7 percentage points in relation to the same period of last year.

“We continue to see a predominance of informal work, reinforcing trends we have already seen in other disclosures: a massive surge of self-employment,” says research analyst Adriana Beringuy.