
Bolsonaro reportedly issues emergency aid decrees

Line of workers who plan to withdraw monthly payment of the coronavirus emergency salary. Photo: Juliana F. Rodrigues/Shutterstock
Line of workers who plan to withdraw monthly payment of the coronavirus emergency salary. Photo: Juliana F. Rodrigues/Shutterstock

According to cable news station GloboNews, President Jair Bolsonaro signed two provisional decrees today, paving the way for the return of coronavirus cash-transfer policies. The president is expected to present the decrees at a ceremony in Congress, in order to share plaudits for the new emergency aid program with his allies in the legislative branch. 

The new benefit will be paid out for four months and could reach up to 46 million people.

Payments will range between BRL 175 and 375 (USD 31 and 67), with an average handout of BRL 250. Adding up to USD 1.50 per day, the benefit would not be enough for those without income to rise above the line of extreme poverty (USD 1.90 per day).

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