
Possible cases of Covid-19 reinfection investigated in São Paulo

Possible cases of Covid-19 reinfection investigated in São Paulo
Photo: Tiago Pestana/Shutterstock

Disturbing news out of São Paulo: scientists are investigating possible cases of Covid-19 reinfection at the Clinical Hospital at the University of São Paulo Medical School. While scientists are still unsure if coronavirus reinfection is possible, there is new evidence emerging after several patients tested positive again for the virus after recovering from the disease. 

Reinfection, however, is only a hypothesis. The tests could be evidence of remnants of the original virus in the patients or even another virus that produces similar symptoms in those infected. Another study by researchers at a British University found evidence that coronavirus antibodies could disappear from recovered patients’ immune systems after three or four months.

If the coronavirus the hypothesis proves true, it proves disturbing implications for scientific projections about immunity going forward, especially, in regards to potential vaccines.

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