
Scientists use particle accelerator to map coronavirus structure

scientists particle accelerator coronavirus

Brazil’s brand new synchrotron is being used to investigate the novel coronavirus. The state-of-the-art complex in Campinas, a city 100 kilometers away from São Paulo, completed its first experiment in creating 3D images of essential Sars-Cov-2 proteins. The pictures could help scientists understand how the virus works inside human cells.

The scientists are already working on two distinct research paths, but they are open to incorporating other research into their studies. Next week, the research center managing Sirius will be open to proposals from those wanting to use the lab for coronavirus-related investigations. The aim is the complete molecular comprehension of the virus by looking through very microscopic structures.

Inaugurated in November 2018, the particle accelerator is Brazil’s most prominent and most complex scientific structure. It is a synchrotron, a particular accelerator that moves particles around a fixed, closed-loop pattern. In addition to providing a great source of energy, synchrotrons can serve various scientific and industrial applications.

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